Sunday, April 28, 2024

Death – Cui bono? (Who benefits?)


The night familiar

insomnia reigns – perhaps


the fleeting desire to do

all that’s left undone


to sip from the cup

half full remains…


The innocent babes who leave

greeted by angels above


fear nothing for there is only love.

The wicked, so they say,


must repent and atone

their sullen hearts they alone


have the duty to redeem – but why?

Seems to me both the bold and the meek


enjoy at the end an eternity

of joy, so to speak


for none are to be left

simmering in mundane pain


this world imposes. So mourn away

you that grieve. The day or night will arrive


when death you too shall achieve.


~ pcm


photo: writing your life


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Beyond the Yellow Brick Road


Beyond the Yellow Brick Road

As a young’un playing "Goodbye
Yellow Brick Road" on piano, howl-
ing, "You can't lock me in your pent-
house, I'm going back to my plow,"

I banged the chords loud enough
to scare prairie dogs outside,
if not cattle in stockyards several
fields of alfalfa, yucca, and cotton-
wood trees down the dirt road that

passed our house. High school cowboy
culture had a propriety every bit as
persnickety as the high fallutin’ snobbery 
of the rich in that song. US High school

could chew you up and spit you out with 
tobacco juice right there on the floor
of the bus I had to catch whose tires rose 
dust clouds from the road long before the sun

arose. Culture shock tormented me
since our move to the US countryside from city
living in France where trifocals, braces,
nerdiness and all, I’d felt accepted for who

I was in a way that would only confound
the Stetson-hat wearing bus riders that
went to my school. My plow had unearthed
centuries of history in a kaleidoscope of stained
glass, literature great and small, cathedrals

of ancient stone, opera and jazz. My classmates
in France were unconcerned about fashion 
for in public school the smocks we wore
atop our clothes concealed differences 
of wealth or worldliness. We were just kids

united in learning our lessons, having a laugh
now and again. “Maybe you’ll get a replacement,”
I’d sing full throttle, banging the chords loud,
hoping someone could replace me, let me go

home to France where unorthodox me faced no 
fear for ignoring a US conduct code as 
stringent as Oz or Hollywood for Judy Garland. 
I knew in my heart I’d never fit in. And now,

from my humble apartment, neighbors with kids 
and dogs, elderly, disabled, from all nations and 
walks of life, my office window looks east towards
the mountain where Elton John lives in France

where after snafus recording, 
this album was at last birthed--
like my soul, here beyond 
the yellow brick road.

                                                                                        ~ pcm

photo: the view from my office

Friday, April 30, 2021

Bunny Slippers


My slippers don’t actually

have bunny ears on them

but they’re more than twelve

years old, a ripe old age

for a house rabbit or slippers.

They’ve survived twelve

funerals of nine family 

members and three dear

friends. They’ve stayed 

in Thailand, Korea, France

and the Grand Canyon,

camped in the Poconos,

moved house up and down 

the east coast from Florida

to Upstate New York,

Connecticut, New Jersey,

North Carolina, forth 

and back to France--all

told, twenty-four moves

or two times twelve. When

they first covered my feet, 

not one of the nine kinfolk 

were ailing. I never imagined 

them dying or going 

to Thailand. Similar to how

bunnies don’t imagine 

wearing slippers.

photo: bunnies, Cathédrale Saint-Nicolas (Russian Orthodox Cathedral), Nice

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Waiting for Patience to Arrive


Irritated, standing shoreside of that peaceful pond

at the edge of the meadow, its green stagnant

scum passive until Basho’s frog

plops through the surface and leaves

a couple of bubbles at the center of brand-new

concentric circles whose arcs ripple toward me

--an inciting event, cue sunbeam, then squirrel

to scramble amidst underbrush like a distracted 

old man with dementia scattering junk mail

by the foyer, fidgeting through his sock drawer

and then the freezer wondering where the keys 

to the door he can’t find have gone.

~ pcm


photo: 2020-04-14, Carrboro

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Reading a Note from a Mysterious Stranger


Ice cream scoops from the OED

words yummy as a clear conscience

laughing a bouquet of sunflowers


a chorus of golden petals 

sing hallelujahs 

around earth’s warm fruit


seeds set in endless labyrinths

feed winged multitudes


outside thunder rolls 

morning sky darkens with rain 

that dims not the inner light

nor limits the flight of dreams

                               ~  pcm



sunflowers 2020-09-12

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Battle Till Dawn

                                           morning began the night before
                                                  the sun arose in glory
                                                  grief’s relent I did implore
                                                  morning began the night before
                                                  each star of hope a troubadour
                                                  through dark sky’s memento mori
                                                  morning began the night before
                                                  the sun arose in glory

triolet: pcm  2018-04-09
photos: April 2020, crescent moon over pines,  #Carrboro, NC
April 2009, Stonehenge at dawn

Saturday, April 4, 2020

New World

The birth act contracts
before release

narrows the vista
to a small tract

of real estate
—an impassable darkness

delightful in conception
death defying

in regeneration
each rolling wave

of pain a victory
gained enlarging


our common

strains to be born.

pcm 2020-04-04

photos:  gaze from the sky, Nice 2019-02-23
wave, Nice 2019-04-24