Tuesday, December 31, 2019

December 31, 2019


What anchors me here is no sense

of urgency, no mission, no calling

the love of my children


            tendrils of hope that curlicue

around wafting leaves  only to escape

into dappled light flickering

from a street lamp or the moon

or perhaps a bonfire in the aboriginal outback

when roasting marshmallows for s'mores

was the greatest challenge

finding the right twirl to assure

golden brown or flamboyant flames

smooth and sweet or the crunchy grit

of victory won in audacity's grasp

yearning irrepressible for sweet sticky nectar

unsheathed from the charred ruins

bursts in my mouth

            trickles down my throat

followed by a sip of champagne

            your lips on mine


                        the shudder of ecstasy

photo: Moon and fireworks over Nice, France, 2019


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

In Transit

As leaves 

            cling to trees 

so flesh 

            to our bones

we tarry 


          all the while
we live in transit 

          from one


          to the next.

photo: Carrboro, NC, 2019-11-28