Saturday, September 12, 2020

Reading a Note from a Mysterious Stranger


Ice cream scoops from the OED

words yummy as a clear conscience

laughing a bouquet of sunflowers


a chorus of golden petals 

sing hallelujahs 

around earth’s warm fruit


seeds set in endless labyrinths

feed winged multitudes


outside thunder rolls 

morning sky darkens with rain 

that dims not the inner light

nor limits the flight of dreams

                               ~  pcm



sunflowers 2020-09-12

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Battle Till Dawn

                                           morning began the night before
                                                  the sun arose in glory
                                                  grief’s relent I did implore
                                                  morning began the night before
                                                  each star of hope a troubadour
                                                  through dark sky’s memento mori
                                                  morning began the night before
                                                  the sun arose in glory

triolet: pcm  2018-04-09
photos: April 2020, crescent moon over pines,  #Carrboro, NC
April 2009, Stonehenge at dawn

Saturday, April 4, 2020

New World

The birth act contracts
before release

narrows the vista
to a small tract

of real estate
—an impassable darkness

delightful in conception
death defying

in regeneration
each rolling wave

of pain a victory
gained enlarging


our common

strains to be born.

pcm 2020-04-04

photos:  gaze from the sky, Nice 2019-02-23
wave, Nice 2019-04-24

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Advice to Physicians

fill your own chalice

before calling others to sup

neither rectitude nor "engagement"

as the French say

je mens, tu mens, il ment

not mon

the other is not mine

but mystery

the earth

turned through worms

sweet scent

of rain and rot

your salty thick nectar

makes me see stars

photos: Nice 2019 fireworks over the port

Raleigh, night of two moons 

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Here's looking at you, kid

the soul goes walkabout

untethered quits the noisome world
a shadow cast from driftwood

perhaps it seeks the sea
or a clear pool

of love where it is pleasant
to stand and pretense drops

its trousers about the ankles
forming little ripples

photo: crane from Ocracoke Island, circa 2000