Sunday, May 18, 2014

I beg to differ with Eckhart

"Death enters your life as the awareness of your own
mortality. When you see and accept the impermanent nature
of all life forms, a sense of peace comes upon you," says
Eckhart Tolle. But what if when death enters your life, you
find restlessness instead of peace? You accept but regret the
impermanent nature of all life forms? You see the
cataclysmic catastrophe of pretense over presence and
absurd attentiveness to petty dispatches of civilized nonsense
in the on and off flicker on the butts of fireflies meandering
over an empty lot of flattened dandelions, making more
sense than neon signs, Congressional reports and the latest
development in tartar control for quadrupeds? You knew you
were mortal but death enters your life fidgeting and
spattering absurdity all over your nice tidy tedium. Restless
whimsy replaces peace.

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