Sunday, January 8, 2017

Serif Defiiency

“Sans” sounds like “sang” in French, meaning

not a song, but blood. How does one compose

a full-bodied question in a sans-serif world?

Sleek letters in simple shapes use words that observe

primary colors as full spectrum. They ignore

the coition of commerce and philosophy, distrust

complexity in favor of bold plastic form.

Google’s new logo reflects a psyche that accepts

with childlike reverence answers provided.

Dropped serifs reveal how industry

pegs the consumer mindset, baselines by design

intellectual values at the elementary school level.

Rather than raising the bar to more elegant

solutions, more eloquent connotations,

sans-serif Google asserts the palatability

of policy and analysis that acquiesce to roaring

rhetoric over harmonious solutions.

Past history, long-term viability, the nuance

of consequence require the more difficult

process of thoughtful reflection, yet all

are lost condensed in bold immediacy.

In their stead, only giddy anticipation

remains like a weanling calf bleating,

“When can I have ice cream?”


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