Wednesday, April 3, 2019

the memory of light

all that i needed was
some small light and know that indeed
i would rise again and rise again to dance.
                  —Louise Clifton, “moonchild”

looking over stubbled fields
shadows lengthen
meet cows that crowd the gate

corn stalks rustle
with pheasant and quail
unaware of their fate

we too shall breathe a last breath
wonder why now
how yesterday

the harvest moon rose
to burn like the sun
we earthlings shivered

dismissed Jupiter—a fleck in the dark
marveled at the fly
blinking—a space station

uproarious clown car
piercing the horizon
to disappear

into the dark silent
womb of space
where the moon

will again
birth the sun


photo: Missé, France farmer's field 2018-09-27

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